Friday, October 31, 2014

Free Will Debate
Free will can be defined as the power a person has to make voluntary choices and decisions without the constraint of necessity or fate. Determinists argue that all of actions are determined by proceeding events or external causes.  These external causes may include, the physical world or the environment in which a person is raised. On the other hand, libertarians believe in the doctrine of free will. They claim that some of people’s actions are determined by spontaneous free will. This is the ability to voluntarily make choices and decisions that will alter the course of their lives. However, they believe that some actions are determined by external causes.
                After closely examining the debate, I have come to the agreement that libertarianism is the plausible explanation to my beliefs on the idea of free will. I do believe that in certain scenarios, some actions are determined by external causes. For example, In Compatibilism Free Will Is Consistent with Determinism by W.T. Stace, it was stated in a conversation between Jones and Smith, “Jones: I once went without food for a week. Smith: “Did you do that of your own free will? Jones: No. I did it because I was lost in a desert and could find no food.” Here Jones, had no choice to go without food. His environment made it impossible for him to obtain food. It was out of his control. However, in another example in the text, there is a conversation between Gandhi and Smith, “Gandhi: I once fasted for a week. Smith: Did you do that of your own free will? Gandhi: Yes. I did it because I wanted to compel the British Government to give India its independence.” In this case, Gandhi believed that he could change the environment that he was surrounded in by fasting for a week. He made the voluntary decision to fast in hopes of that the British Government would grant India its independence. It was Gandhi’s own free will to make this decision.
                I do not believe that morals could exist without free will. If no actions were based on voluntary choices or decisions how could anyone be blamed for committing a crime, or an action that is frowned upon in society. People could simply state, “It was out of my control. My actions have already been predetermined.” These explanations are false. In certain cases, some things are out of a person’s control.  Such as, being raised in an abusive household. The child could grow up to be an abusive parent and blame it on the way they were raised, or they can make the voluntary decision to change this abusive cycle and be a good parent to their own children. 
Libertarianism has more explanatory breadth than determinism does. This is because it explains more types of human behavior. Libertarians know that most actions are determined by free will while other actions are determined by external causes. The events and actions that people have the ability to change, they will. This is due to the fact that many people choose to make certain decisions in their own lives. They act in ways based off their own desires and feelings. Determinism fails to address the concept of morals. Morals cannot exist if people do not have free will. If people cannot voluntarily choose right from wrong, what differentiates between right from wrong? Libertarianism gives people the opportunity to accomplish this.
                Determinism explains the causes of human behavior in greater detail than libertarianism does, thus it has more explanatory depth. Determinism gives reason to people’s actions. In my previous example, I talked about a child being raised in an abusive family and then becoming an abusive parent when they grew up. Determinism explains that the reason why the child became an abusive parent is because they are surrounded in an abusive environment. Libertarianism fails to give reasons as to why people act the way they do. They cannot describe in detail why things happen and their purpose.
Determinism has fewer parts and assumptions than libertarianism does, making it less likely to conceal hidden errors. This shows that determinism has more simplicity than libertarianism. Determinism has one explanation for people’s actions, and that is that people’s actions are determined by external causes. Libertarianism however, has many reasons for people’s actions. The reasons are free will and external causes. Because free will can vary in so many ways, it is much more complex than simply stating that actions are determined by external causes.
Libertarianism is much more consistent with our current, common sense beliefs than determinism. This is because many people like to know that they are in control of their own lives. They do not like to think that their lives are predesigned for them. It gives people a sense of purpose to know that they have a say in their future. Cleary, libertarianism has more conservatism than determinism.
1. Libertarianism, and determinism are the most plausible explanation of the ultimate causes of human behavior.
2. Libertarianism has much more explanatory breadth and conservatism, whereas determinism has a little more explanatory depth, and simplicity.

3. Therefore, libertarianism is the best explanation of the ultimate causes of human behavior.

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