Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lea Clark
PHI 100 24N

Blog Post 3
            In the debate between libertarianism and determinism, Libertarians argue that some of our actions are caused by free will, while some are caused by external causes. However, determinists argue that all of our actions are caused by external causes. I think the more plausible side in this argument is libertarianism. While external forces cause some actions, they are also caused by free will. A person cannot blame all of their actions on other things; there are certain things only you can decide on and take full responsibility for.
            Libertarianism has more explanatory breadth because it better explains human behavior. Libertarians believe in people being responsible for some of their actions while determinists believe in actions being caused by free will.
            Libertarianism has more explanatory depth because it explains human behavior in greater detail. When a person is responsible for their actions, he or she must have reasoning for why they made the decisions they did.
            Determinism has more simplicity because it only gives one reason for the cause of actions while libertarianism gives more than one reason saying free will and external causes are the cause for our actions.
Conservatism can be both libertarianism and determinism. This solely depends on the person’s choice. Depending on the person they can both be a more consistent belief.

1.  Libertarianism and Determinism are the most plausible explanations of human behavior.
2.   Libertarianism has more explanatory depth and breadth while determinism has more simplicity.

3.    Therefore, libertarianism is the best explanation for human behavior.


  1. I agree with you that we can't be blaming people for our actions. It's our fault that we have done things and we should be taking the blame. Our consequences has a reasoning to it.

  2. I like how you said there are certain things only you can decide on and take full responsibility for. I fully support this sentence because like you, I believe that sometimes people choose things for us, and sometimes we choose things on our own. For example, we chose on our own where we wanted to go to college. Nobody told us that we had to go to a specific place. I think that's what your trying to say, and I agree.

  3. I agree with what you said about blaming people for what we do. We have to take control of the things we do.
