Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blog Post 1: Acceptance

Marissa Nicoalri
Philosophy 100-24N
Rex Gililand
Blog Post 1

The Beauty of Acceptance

  1. All forms of high moral standard are virtuous.
  2. All acceptance is a form of high moral standard.
  3. Therefore, all acceptance is virtuous.

Acceptance is defined as an agreement with a belief, opinion, or explanation, but is also defined as willingness to tolerate a difficult or unpleasant situation. Acceptance is a virtue that shows a person’s willingness to have an open mind. The concept of an open mind can lead to the spread of knowledge and belief. Essentially, the virtue of acceptance encompasses the open mind, the willingness to grow, and the ability to think outside of ones own actions or beliefs. Acceptance is a virtue of high importance because acceptance creates civility and common ground.
Civility is the ability to be polite and courteous in ones behavior or speech. Acceptance of another person’s beliefs, regardless if that person agrees with them or not, can greatly increase the ability to act civilly towards another human being. Morally, humans have the capability to decipher what actions are wrong and what actions are right. If a person acts with acceptance, their actions are going to be right. Acceptance creates a common ground between people. Humans love interaction and thrive to learn about the unknown. By accepting ideas that may or may not align with one’s own thoughts, they are able to continue growing and learning throughout their life. As stated previously, acceptance does not always come with agreeing with another party’s belief. Acceptance is being able to agree to disagree about whatever actions or thoughts are being presented.
It can also be argued that by accepting all things a person becomes unable to have their own thoughts and ideas as well as an enabler for immoral acts. Acceptance is not about adopting every person’s beliefs or actions; it is about filtering what you decide to be morally acceptable and what you do not. To accept another person’s thoughts or ideas for what they are you can create your own opinions and ideas on the same subject. Also, acceptance is not meant to prevent you from speaking out against what you believe to be morally incorrect. The idea of acceptance is to be open to new points of view, therefore any person can see an immoral act and educate the other about the immorality or a person can commit an immoral act and be educated about said act. Acceptance should not hinder the spread of ideas and beliefs, it should permit thought and questions about these ideas and beliefs. In conclusion, acceptance is a virtue that helps a person grow and learn.


  1. 1. All eye-opening experiences are virtuous.
    2. All acts of acceptance are eye-opening experiences.
    3. Therefore, all acts of acceptance are virtuous.

  2. I agree that humans have the ability to tell what's morally right or wrong as it falls in line with acceptance. I also believe acceptance does help spread ideas and beliefs. I think that acceptance is tied in with courage. I'm not saying it is any way similar but it takes courage to accept something new and open yourself to ideas that may seem different as people tend to feel uncertainty and perhaps fear so they tend to react harshly and block themselves off.

  3. I can really connect with the idea of eye opening experiences being tied with a virtuous life, and also acceptance. It seems that along with acceptance, we often have to grow intellectually and emotionally for the better causing a change in our ideas and feelings. By this action it would seem being an accepting person, leads to a life of broader logical views and a more tolerant way of treating others. Both of those things are exceptionally virtuous and when combined with the idea of constantly growing as a person, I can only fully agree with your thoughts on acceptance.
